New CR-10 Pre-Amp/Shaping Amp

The C400 pulse discriminator / counter and CP-10 pre-amp provides a fast multichannel pulse counting solution for scintillation detectors and similar devices with high multiplication gain, or for particles that create a large deposit of energy in the sensor. The detector signals are amplified directly by a wide-band DC-coupled circuit in the CP-10 which allows pulse rates of 10's MHz to be counted. However many detectors produce signals that are too small for this type of pulse processing.

The new CR-10 pre-amplifier combines a charge-sensitive integrating pre-amplifier stage with a Gaussian shaping amplifier and baseline restorer. The design is based on the well-proven high-performance modules from Cremat (

The excellent signal to noise performance allows small signals such as those from individual X-ray photons in proportional chambers or diode detectors to be counted. The CR-10 can be configured at time of order for optimum performance in a given application by selection of pre-amp conversion gain, intermediate stage gain, shaping amplifier time constant, signal polarity and input connector type. It is connected to the C400 using the same connectors as the CP-10 pre-amps.

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