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lonization Chambers
Faraday Cup Collectors
Beamline Components
Pulse Counting
Data Acquisition & Control
Proton Therapy
Industrial Control
lonization Chambers
Strip Detectors -
X/Y projection electrode strips for determining beam shape and position.
BPM16-38 - Beam Position Monitor Gantry Compatible Strip Ionization Chamber
IC128-25 - 128x128 Strip Transmission Monitor Ion Chamber with Dose Plane
IC16-5 - 16x16 Strip Transmission Ion Chamber
IC256-45 - 256 Strip QC Ion Chamber
IC32-6 - 32x32 Strip Transmission Ion Chamber
IC64-13 - 64 Strip Transmission Ion Chamber
IC64-16SG - 64 Strip Transmission Small Gap IC for Flash Therapy
IC64-6 - 64x64 Strip Transmission Ion Chamber
Quadrant Detectors -
Four electrodes provide fast and reliable beam position monitoring.
QIC-2S - Mini Quadrant Ion Chamber
QIC-6E - Ultra-low WET Quadrant Transmission Ionization Chamber
Pixelated Detectors -
Extremely fine pitch electrode pixels allow for true 2D beam imaging.
PX-2 - 120 Pixel Ion Chamber
PX-3 - 120 Pixel Transmission Ion Chamber
Faraday Cup Collectors
BC-145 - Large Faraday Cup Collector for Scanned Beam Particle Therapy QA
BC-75 - Faraday Cup Beam Collector for Particle Therapy QA and Diagnostics
MLFC-128 - Multi-Layer Faraday Collector for Particle Energy Measurement
Beamline Components
ACI - Accelerator Control Interface
FS-78 - Fast Beam Shutter
HC80 - Beampath Helium Flow Controller
ICI - Interlock Control Interface
N2400 - 24x Pneumatic Actuator Controller
VWIN - High-Performance Vacuum Windows for Particle Beamlines
X32 - IECO Amplifier Interface
Current Measurement -
Measure instantaneous current.
F100 - Digital Electrometer with HV Power Supply
F460 - 4 Channel Precision Electrometer with High Voltage
FX4 - High-speed Quad-channel Precision Electrometer
Charge Measurement -
Measure accumulated charge.
I128 - 128 Channel Charge Integrator Digital Electrometer
I3200 - 32-Channel Charge Integrator Digital Electrometer
I400 - 4 Channel Biased Input Charge Integrating Electrometer
I404 - 4 Channel Charge Integrating Digital Electrometer
IC101 - Precision Charge Integrator Electrometer Digital with High Voltage
IX256 - 256-Channel Charge Integrating Electrometer with HV Power Supply
Pulse Counting
Amplifiers -
High performance pre-amplifiers and pulse shapers.
CP15 - DC-Coupled Pulse Pre-amplifier for Lanthanum Halide and Sodium Iodide Detectors
CR10 - Spectroscopy Amplifier for Charge Sensitive Pulse Shaping
Counters -
High-speed pulse-height discriminated counters for nuclear instrumentation.
C400 - 4-Channel High-speed Pulse Discriminator and Counter
CM100 - Particle Therapy Control Console
Electromagnets -
Specialized magnets for particle beams.
D2-100-FC - AC High-speed Ferrite Core XY Trim Magnet
D2-650-IE - High-speed Pencil Beam X/Y Scanning Magnet
O1-500 - Octopole Compact Scanning Magnet for Particle Therapy
Gaussmeters -
Ultra high-end gaussmeters.
H20 - Dual Magnetic Field Probe System
T1 - Industrial Gauss Meter and Magnetic Field Probe with REST API
Data Acquisition & Control
Fiber Optics -
Fiber optic converters and logic.
TF1 - Self-powered BNC TTL to Fiber-Optic Converter
X14 - 1:4 Fiber-Optic Trigger Fanout
X22 - Bi-directional BNC TTL to Fiber Optic Converter
Multifunction I/O -
Analog and digital I/O boxes.
M10 - 2x Analog 4x Digital GPIO
M40 - 16x Analog 16x Digital GPIO
Precision High Voltage -
Precision high voltage power supplies and complimentary products.
HVI-4 - Bias Voltage Interlock Unit
Loop Controllers -
Optical control system PLCs.
A360 - Fiber-Optic Loop Controller
A560 - Real-Time Loop Controller
Q580 - High Speed Real-Time Loop Controller
Cables -
Cables specialized for Pyramid devices.
ACAB-USB-XX-RS232 - USB to RS232 Adapter Cable
CAB-HD44 - Low Noise 44-way D-Sub Cables for Precise Ion Chamber Readout
Power Supplies -
Power distribution and management.
PD-8 - Eight Output 24V DC Power Supply Unit